invitrodb v4.2

All ToxCast materials associated with the invitrodb v4.2 release (September 2024), including the MySQL database, release notes, summary files, assay information and concentration response plots, are available here. Please cite as: US EPA (2024). ToxCast invitrodb version 4.2.

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Thumbnail of Assay Description Documents

Assay Description Documents

This documentation for the ToxCast assay endpoints is in a format outlined by the OECD Guidance Document 211 (GD211) for describing non-guideline in vitro test methods and their interpretation. The intent of GD 211 is to harmonize non-guideline, in vitro method descriptions to allow assessment of the relevance of the test method for biological responses of interest and the quality of the data produced. This dataset contains reports for 809 assay endpoints accompanying the invitrodb v4.2 release (Sept 2024). Compiled report is available here: (INSERT LINK). These reports are a work in progress and will be iteratively updated as more information becomes available. Please cite as: "US EPA (2024). ToxCast Assay Description Documentation. EPA Publication Number 601B24001."


This .html output from Rmarkdown that describes the update of invitrodb between versions 4.1 and 4.2. Invitrodb v4.2 represents the second full release of the ToxCast database in a new schema designed to accommodate the R package dependency, tcplFit2, which is used in curve-fitting and hit-calling of multi-concentration response data. This invitrodb schema was beta-tested with our research release of invitrodb v4.0 that accompanied the publication "The ToxCast Pipeline: Updates to Curve-Fitting Approaches and Database Structure" (Feshuk et al., 2023 and release of tcpl v3.0.1.

Thumbnail of MySQL_Data


This includes a sql dump of invitrodb v4.2 with installation instructions available in README.

Thumbnail of Summary_Files


This includes a zip file of summary files with descriptions available in README. Corrections: -Uploaded v4.2 tcplVarMat output (variable matrices of hitcalls, ACCs and AC50s)


This includes a zip file of plots by assay source. Note: X axis of "Concentration (.M)" should be "Concentration (μM)" on all plots.


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