Use Spaces to collaboratively work with your team to manage and annotate data.
All ToxCast materials associated with the invitrodb v4.2 release (September 2024), including the MySQL database, release notes, summary files, assay information and concentration response plots, are available here. Please cite as: US EPA (2024). ToxCast invitrodb version 4.2.
A set of sample data from the Shafer lab to test pre-processing scripts for the MEA NFA assay, associated with R script run_me_SAMPLE_06Mar2024.Rmd, author Kelly Carstens.
Datasets for completed ETAP reports.
Space to catalog ToxValDB project documents (moved from the ICF space)
All ToxCast materials associated with the invitrodb v4.1 release (September 2023), including the MySQL database, release notes, summary files, assay information and concentration response plots, are available here. Please cite as: "US EPA (2023). ToxCast invitrodb version 4.1."
Test space for pyclowderext Python package
This space houses datasets associated with ecological high throughput transcriptomics research
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